2016 Springfield Open
Springfield Open
Date: October 22nd – 23rd, 2016
Location: Plaster Student Union
PSU Ballroom — East Side (note room change from 317)
1110 E Madison St
Springfield, MO 65897
Co-hosted by the MSU Chess Club, Joplin Chess Club and Springfield Park Board Chess Club
Format: 5 round Swiss, Game in 90 with 30 second increment (G/90,+30), regular rated
One 1/2 point bye available if requested before the beginning of round 3
Round Times: Sat 10:00, 2:30, 7:00; Sun 8:30, 1:00.
Entry Fee: $30 if registered by 10/21, $40 on site: $10 discount to current MSU and SPBCC members. Scholastic (K-12), play for rating only, $15 if registered by 10/21, $20 at site: $5 discount to current MSU and SPBCC members. MCA membership required for MO residents; available on-site, from $5
Prizes: $500 prize fund based on 25 non-scholastic entries. Scholastic entries count as half.
Open/Unrated: $150, $120; U1600 $90; U1400 $60; U1200 $40
5.0 Bonus: $40
Format: October 22nd only, 4 round Swiss, Game in 60 with 5 second delay (G/60,d5), not rated
One 1/2 point bye available if requested before the beginning of round 2
Round Times: Sat 10:00, 12:30, 3:00, 5:30
Entry Fee: $10 if registered by 10/21, $15 on site
Prizes: Plaques to top-2 adults and top-2 K-12.
Registration: Advance Registration requested. Entry fees may be paid in cash in person on 10/22, or checks (payable to Martin Stahl) can be mailed, to be received by 10/21/2016. Preference that all players in the OPEN be current USCF members by 10/21/2016. USCF membership can be processed online at uschess.org and membership can be accepted on site for CASH ONLY. Please check the USCF site for rates or contact TD for details for membership renewal or purchase on site.
Registration info can be sent to:
Joplin Chess Club
2609 New Hampshire
Joplin, Mo 64804
Please include name, address, phone, e-mail, USCF ID# (for the OPEN), rating and section playing.
On-site registration begins at 8:00 a.m, ends at 9:30. First round at 10:00
Parking: Lots can be located on the following map. Metered spaces may be monitored 24/7 and individually signed spaces and some lots are permit only (lots 5, 9A, 10A), Lot 18 is prohibited on weekends. http://www.missouristate.edu/visitors/parking.htm
TD: Martin Stahl (417) 483-1554
Please bring set, clock, board, and score sheets.
The lack of parking was ridiculous. What little parking space nearby was permit parking only. If you did not bring along a copy of the campus map, you were screwed.
Yes, parking for the Plaster Student Union was not ideal. I tried to include links to the campus parking map and the parking guidelines in the online TLAs I posted alleviate some of that issue. We probably will have events on campus in the future, though I don’t know where they might be.
I parked in the Southern commuter lot and most of the spaces were not metered (and I think the metered ones aren’t monitored on the weekend in those lots). It was a short walk to the student union. There were likely other open lots nearby, just not as close.
I apologize for the inconvenience.
Results for the Open posted on Sunday.
Small event synopsis available on Facebook.