Springfield Tournament, December 12th 2009
December Springfield Open
Unrated 3 round Swiss Game/60
100% payout (40%, 25%, 15%, 10%, 6%, 4%)
Free soft drinks
Date: 12/12/09
Location: Southside Senior Center
2215 South Fremont Avenue
Springfield, MO 65804-3101
Registration: 8am
Rounds: 8:30am, 11am and 2:30pm
Entry Fees: Depends on your rating;
Unrated and under 1100 $1
1200 $2
1300 $3
1400 $4
1500 $5
1600 $6
1700 $7
1800 $8
1900 $9
2000 $15
2100 and above $25
Contact: Tha Dun, [email protected]
I believe Tha Dun’s chess tournament is NOT USCF rated.
I hope this will cause some people to come out of tournament-retirement or play in their first tournament.
I forwarded the information to more Springfield people and one person, who as yet to come to a chess tournament, sent me a reply that told me he expected to come. He may represent others.
That is correct, it is UNRATED as posted. I hope he has good turnout.